acupuncture and stuttering
It is a collaborative process of developing and enacting a plan to eliminate the negative impacts of stuttering and maximize communication skills. Given the fact that the root cause of an illness is the lack of the proper flow of energy correcting the anomaly can help a person recover from illness. Pin On Jsj The obtained data showed that accompanying of speech therapy with laser acupuncture resulted the increasing of maintenance and therapeutic effects of stuttering treatment and decreasing of relapsing. . Subjects were followed up for a further 12 weeks to evaluate maintenance C phase of possible improvements. In the human body 350 acupuncture points can help access the flow of energy and meridians. HT 4 Spirit Pathway 15 cun above the wrist crease on the radial side of the fl Sudden loss of voice. A more recent 2020 study suggests that acupuncture may help. This can be done by inserting needles into the acupuncture poin...